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Anchor Worm (Lernaea)

Pond fish get anchor worms. It's a fact. Your Koi do not need to be ill, or stressed to beanchor-worm-02.jpg

infected with Anchor Worms.     

Anchor Worm eggs can take up to 15 days to hatch. Juvenile Anchor Worms are microscopic. If pond fish are hosting juvenile anchor worms you will notice 'flashing' or 'rubbing' activities on your fish. They are trying to rid themselves of the nasty little parasites that have attached and are hanging on for a ride. 

If you can see a tiny threadlike organism stuck to your pet then you are seeing the adult female Anchor Worm (males die after mating). Her head is hooked to your fish and is making a red spot or sore at the point of attachment. She has burrowed through the slime coat and dug her 'anchors' into the body of your fish!  The split tail is actually egg sacs ready to release 100s of Anchor Worm eggs into the pond environment. 

Treatment Recommendations 

anchor-worm.jpg    1.)  Removing the adults is the first step in anchor worm control. If you are sure the worms are dead, gently

           remove them with tweezers. Be very careful not to break the anchors off under the koi's skin. Any piece

           of the worm remaining will cause future problems if not fully removed. In the unfortunate incidence of

           breakage, press down on the scale with your thumb and ease the anchor to the surface.



ProForm_LA.jpg                 2.)  We use ProForm LA to treat Anchor Worms.  One day after first treatment scrapes are preformed to ensure

                        a complete parasite kill. If any living parasites remain the batch is retreated. 







melafix123.jpg                     3.)  Lastly, you must deal with the small holes left behind by the anchor worms. Many you will not see because the

                            juvenile worms are so tiny. Holes in the koi's slime coat will allow bacteria to invade. Melafix works great for

                            healing the slime coat.








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