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What Do Koi Fish Eat?

What Do Koi Fish Eat?

Posted by Ellen Kloubec on 7th Mar 2023

Koi fish are extremely popular for those who enjoy the serenity of a fish pond. If you’re interested in getting a koi fish, you’re probably wondering what koi fish eat. Koi fish need a balanced diet to support their health and well-being. Let’s take a closer look at exactly what koi fish eat and more with Kloubec Koi! Feel free to get in touch with one of our experts if you have any questions.

History of Koi Fish

Known in Japan as the Nishikigoi, the origins of koi fish can date back to 4th century China. However, the modern koi is known to have originated in 19th-century Japan. In Chinese culture, koi fish are believed to exude happiness and prosperity and are considered to be a cultural pet in that part of the world. Due to the generations of koi that were bred in captivity, their diet is altered and different from what they would eat if they were in the wild.

Due to the diet that they have become accustomed to in captivity, great care must be taken to ensure that the koi are fed the proper nutrients to support a healthy diet. These include foods rich in natural foods, similar to those that they would eat if they were in the wild.

There are a variety of benefits to properly feeding your koi fish, as it promotes healthy growth, provides immune support, and helps to keep their internal organs healthy. If you have any questions about how to feed your koi fish, feel free to reach out to our experts.

Koi Fish Feeding Tips to Grow Well

There are a variety of ways in which you can promote a healthy lifestyle for your koi fish. Feeding koi is one of the most enjoyable parts of having these specimens, as you can watch them dip their mouths above the surface, taking the food from your hand. This type of feeding can help the owner and koi form a bond between each other, not to mention it’s extremely fun! However, it is critical to the health and well being of your koi fish that you are feeding them the proper diet to promote optimal health.

Properly feeding your koi fish is a critical element in providing a healthy and happy environment for them. Let’s check out a few tips on how to feed a growing koi fish below:

  • You should ensure that you are feeding your koi fish at least four times daily. A good rule of thumb is to only give them the amount of food that they are able to eat in about a span of five minutes.
  • Koi fish can eat a variety of different foods, spanning from insects, plants, and algae, to fish food developed specifically for koi at your local store.
  • Believe it or not, koi fish will also eat the same food you eat! They enjoy foods such as lettuce, rice, peas, and even watermelon.
  • It is not recommended to feed your koi fish before a storm. Rain causes the oxygen level in the air to decrease, making it more difficult for the koi to digest.
  • Koi fish are very bright creatures. They will recognize you as their feeder, and come to say hello when you go to the pond to visit them.
  • For smaller koi, flake or small koi food is recommended. For larger koi, pebble food is recommended.
  • Due to their metabolism slowing throughout the winter, koi can actually go the entire winter without eating.

Now that you know more about these tips and tricks for feeding your koi, you can better care for them and strengthen your bond with your beloved pets.

Natural Foods for Koi Fish

Do you want your koi fish to stay true to their roots in the wild? Then it is best to provide your koi with natural foods that will allow them to flourish. Some of the natural food for koi fish include algae, plants, insects, worms, and seeds. They often look for their food on the bottom of the pond and at the surface.

Three Types Koi Fish Food

There are three main types of fish food you can feed your koi. These include fresh food, freeze-dried food, and prepared food. Let’s learn a little more about each one, so you can be better informed as to which is best for your pets.

Fresh Food

When it comes to fresh foods for your koi fish, this could be anything from blood worms, brine shrimp, and clams. If you want to treat your koi, chopped vegetables are also a good option.

Freeze-Dried Foods

Freeze-dried foods are designed to act as a supplement to prepared foods, and are often a welcome treat for your koi.

Prepared Foods

Prepared foods are some of the most popular ways of feeding koi, as they are specially formulated to meet all their dietary requirements. When shopping for prepared foods, you might notice that there are two types, floating and sinking foods. Floating pellets are often recommended, as they help you determine whether or not you are overfeeding your koi. Perhaps one of the most prominent benefits of floating foods is watching your koi come to the surface to eat.

Balance Diet for Koi Fish: Best Foods

It is critical that you feed your koi a balanced diet, especially when you consider their strict dietary requirements. Some of the best food for koi fish include fish pellets, fish flakes, Spirulina Algae, wheat germ, shrimp, and any type of food you would eat yourself. Let’s take a minute and check out these foods in more detail so you have a better understanding of each.

Fish Pellets

Feeding your koi fish pellets is perhaps one of the most popular ways to feed your koi fish. These pellets include all your koi needs for a balanced diet, and will keep them strong and healthy without any supplements.

It is critical, however, to purchase fish pellets that are specifically formulated for koi fish. Any run-of-the-mill fish food could actually harm your koi in the future, leading to a variety of different health issues.

Spirulina Algae

This type of algae is similar to what koi fish would be eating in the wild and offers a variety of benefits. These algae are often found in lakes that have high pH levels and hard water. Spirulina algae promotes digestive health, better immune health, and improved coloration due in part to the carotene pigments in the algae.

Fish Flakes

Fish flakes are another option for feeding your koi fish. Similar to the fish pellets, you must ensure that you are buying the type formulated specifically for koi. Fish pellets are still superior to fish flakes, as fish flakes disintegrate more easily, and can affect the quality of the water in the pond. Fish flakes are advantageous for smaller koi, and koi that are not fully grown, as it is difficult for these koi to eat the larger pellets.

Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is the part of the wheat that begins to sprout and grow into a new plant. In short, it is the wheat seed. Wheat germ is known to help koi fish grow at a more rapid pace, and provides your koi with a healthy dose of vitamin E, which improves circulation and the flow of nutrients. Some additional benefits include brighter and more vibrant scales, and improved digestion.

Any Human Food

Believe it or not, koi fish can eat the same food as you! Some of the most common types of human food include fruits and vegetables. It is important to ensure that the food you provide for your koi is low in overall carbohydrates, and provide them with only healthy foods to promote longevity.


Shrimp, specifically brine shrimp, are especially good for koi fish that have just hatched. The process known as bio-enrichment allows the nutrients eaten by the shrimp to then be absorbed by the fish that eats them. Some of the most prominent benefits of brine shrimp are that they are high in protein, vitamin A, and vitamin D, and they promote a healthy and more rapid growth rate.

Koi Fish Prohibited Food

Although koi fish can eat a wide variety of different foods, there are a few that are strictly prohibited. You should avoid feeding koi fish the following:

  • Cereals
  • Bread
  • Rice
  • Corn
  • Fruits

Although you may not notice a profound impact on their overall health immediately, feeding koi fish these foods could cause various issues in the future.

How an Auto Feeder Can Replace You When You’re Busy?

Auto feeders are a great option when you are looking to feed your koi when you’re not around. An auto feeder ensures that your koi fish gets the exact same amount of food each time it dispenses, which is critical to raise healthy koi.

An auto feeder can help you raise healthy koi by feeding your fish when you’re not home. This could be if you are going out or on a vacation, your koi will continue to be fed while you’re gone.

Auto Feeder Uses and Benefits

There are many benefits of using an auto feeder, especially when you consider the convenience factor. Let’s check these out in more detail below:

  • Auto feeders can be either solar or electric powered, meaning that you do not need to have a power source near your koi pond, allowing you to put your feeder virtually anywhere.
  • It is also effortless to program, and in most cases, can schedule to feed up to 12 times per day, keeping your koi fish happy and healthy.
  • Perhaps one of the most beneficial aspects of the auto feeder is that you can keep a regular feeding schedule.
  • Although there are many benefits of an auto feeder, you should still feed by hand regularly, as this helps you to keep an eye on their overall health.

Disadvantages of Koi Food Auto Feeder

Although there are many benefits of a koi food auto feeder, it does not come without its cons.

  • One of the main disadvantages is that they are pricey. You could realistically spend anywhere between $50 to $200 on your auto feeder.
  • Maintenance is also a factor, as the dispenser has to be constantly filled with food and the feeder needs to be cleaned regularly.
  • Although they might be convenient, they are prone to malfunctioning, meaning that your koi fish could miss feedings that are critical to their growth.

Frequently Asked Questions on Koi Fish Food

How Long Do Koi Fish Live?

With proper care, koi fish can live anywhere between 25-35 years. Contributing to this longevity is their diet and overall environment. Koi are one of the longest living vertebrate species, and a few different factors affect their lifespan, such as breed, environmental factors, and genetics.

How Often and How Much Do They Eat?

Koi fish often eat once daily, and it is important to only feed them as much as they can eat in five minutes. If there is excess food left after they are finished eating, it is best to give them a little less food next time.

Do Koi Fish Eat Everyday?

Yes, koi fish eat at least once daily at least. This will allow them to receive the proper nutrients that they need to live a long and healthy life.

Can Koi Fish Bite You?

When feeding your koi, they will not bite you. The most they will do is pull on your finger as you feed them. Feeding your koi is a great way to keep an eye on their overall health, and is a great bonding experience.

What Fruit Can Koi Fish Eat?

Koi fish can eat a variety of fruits, such as watermelons, lemons, strawberries, cantaloupe, honeydew, and grapefruits. All seeds should be removed prior to giving them to your koi fish.

How Long Can Koi Fish Survive Without Water?

Because koi are descendents of the carp family, they are not designed to live outside of water for long periods of time. Therefore, they will only last around 3-5 minutes out of water. It is critical that they have access to water at all times.

Bottom Line

The health and wellness of your koi fish is directly correlated to their diet. Regardless of which type of food you give your koi, it is critical that you are providing them with the nutrients they need, and are supported with a well-balanced diet. Browse Kloubec Koi’s koi fish food inventory today. Or if you have any other questions about koi fish, feel free to reach out to our experts for help.



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